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  • Writer's pictureGeorge Graoroski

Understanding LFD and ERD in Drayage

In the world of drayage, two critical terms that shippers need to understand are Last Free Day (LFD) and Earliest Return Date (ERD). These dates are pivotal in managing logistics, costs, and ensuring smooth cargo operations.

What is Last Free Day (LFD)?

The Last Free Day (LFD) is the final day that a container can be stored at the port or terminal without incurring demurrage charges. After this day, fees apply for each additional day the container remains at the port.

Key Points about LFD:

Purpose: Marks the end of the free storage period.

Implication: Avoids demurrage fees by timely pick-up.

Management: Requires effective coordination with drayage services.

What is Earliest Return Date (ERD)?

The Earliest Return Date (ERD) is the earliest day a container can be returned to the port or terminal for export without incurring storage fees or being turned away. This date is set by the shipping line or terminal.

Key Points about ERD:

Purpose: Ensures timely and efficient loading of export cargo.

Implication: Avoids early arrival fees and ensures compliance with shipping schedules.

Management: Requires careful planning to align delivery schedules with ERD.

Comparing LFD and ERD:

LFD: Focuses on the last day of free storage for imported containers.

ERD: Focuses on the earliest acceptable return date for export containers.

Cost Implications: Both dates are crucial for avoiding additional fees and ensuring efficient cargo movement.


Understanding LFD and ERD is essential for managing logistics and drayage operations effectively. By adhering to these dates, businesses can avoid unnecessary costs and maintain smooth supply chain operations.

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